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Three New Year’s Resolutions that Aren’t About Fitness

Three New Year’s Resolutions that Aren’t About Fitness

Three New Years Resolutions that Arent About Fitness

Every year, every person (including myself) makes the New Year’s Resolution to lose weight and be healthier. And as for me, I keep up with it, and then I forget it, and then I remember it, etc.

To be honest, being a healthier version of myself is always on my mind. It isn’t as much a New Year’s Resolution as an expectation I have for myself. I think that the more I think of it as a resolution, the more likely I am to fail.

The problems that I want to address with New Year’s Resolutions are the ones that make my life less happy. One of the biggest obstacles in the pursuit of happiness is usually yourself.

I know that most of my blog posts are cheerful and sassy, but that is because my blog is one of the things I do to stay happy. The outer edges aren’t always so easy and fun.

Write about something positive about my life every day

In all honesty, 2017 was one of the happiest years of my life. And in all that happiness, I became fragile. I get knocked down so much easier than before.

For 2018, I want to relish in my happiness, and I want to keep a journal about all the happy things in my life for every day.

I am hoping that this will put life in perspective for me and maybe slow everything down for me. Plus, at the end of the year, I will have a book full of happy memories!

Three New Year's Resolutions that Aren't About Fitness

Find a way to step out of the flooding minor issues

I am the worst at getting bogged down by the minor details. Little things that go wrong feel like a flood to me, and I know that if I could just breathe, I could handle everything better.

The point is – most of these issues are minor, and even when they are all tied together, they are still minor.

Three New Year's Resolutions that Aren't About Fitness

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Girl in the gym excited about weights 6 steps to stay motivated on your fitness journey

Plus, the clearer my head is, the better I will be at solving the problems.

Love more

The theme of these New Year’s Resolution is how my anxiety gets in the way of my happiness. One of the worst things I allow it to do is think the worst of everyone.

This makes it harder for me to trust people – and love people.

I am hoping I will be able to let more people in this year.

What are your New Year’s Resolutions?

repressing the crazy

Three New Year's Resolutions that Aren't About Fitness

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