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The Best Recipe for Jalapeno Poppers on The Internet

The Best Recipe for Jalapeno Poppers on The Internet

The Best Recipe for Jalapeno Poppers on The Internet

I have been doing the ketogenic diet for about three weeks now, and my saving grace has been jalapeno poppers. They are such an easy and quick snack that is 100 percent keto-friendly!

My favorite thing about jalapeno poppers is that they are great for keto-friendly get-togethers. I love cooking for people, but I know not everyone wants to follow my weird diet.

But everyone wants to eat cheesy-bacony-jalapenoey goodness.

When I first started keto and everyone was talking about jalapeno poppers, they seemed so intimidating. How do they still together? Should I grill them or put them in the oven?

So, I started by buying the premade ones at H-E-B, but I finally decided to try them out on my own.

The key to feeding jalapeno poppers to the masses is boiling the peppers before putting the poppers together. My sister and my mother hate the hot stuff, so they refuse to eat them unless we have boiled them and removed every seed.

My other sister and I love hot stuff, but we have to put other people’s taste buds into consideration when we are throwing a dinner party (bummer).

This recipe is extremely easy and only requires a handful of ingredients!


12 jalapenos

8 ounces cream cheese

1 cup shredded cheese

12 slices bacon, cut in half

Salt and pepper


1. Preheat oven to 400F.

2. Slice jalapeños in half and remove seeds in the center.

The Best Recipe for Jalapeno Poppers on The Internet

3. Boil the jalapeños and then run under cold water

3. Using a mixer or a fork, mix together the salt and pepper, cheese and cream cheese.

The Best Recipe for Jalapeno Poppers on The Internet

4. Scoop the mixture into each jalapeno and then wrap with bacon.

5. Place on a baking tray and cook for 20-30 minutes. Or until bacon is crisp.

The Best Recipe for Jalapeno Poppers on The InternetThe Best Recipe for Jalapeno Poppers on The Internet

The Best Recipe for Jalapeno Poppers on The Internet

What is your favorite keto recipe?

repressing the crazy



The Best Recipe for Jalapeno Poppers on The Internet

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