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How to use the weekend to better your week

How to use the weekend to better your week

weekend healthy

Whether you want to work out more, get healthy or just make more time to read, if you take advantage of your weekend (or days off), you can really make a difference for your week.

My goal is to get healthy and have more time to enjoy myself. Therefore, this list of weekend things to do is catered towards those goals!

Tidy Up

Having a clean home is reenergizing – there is no denying that. After I get done cleaning, I just soak in the energy, it’s a GREAT feeling.

It should also be priority one on you weekend to-do list. I know you don’t want to give up every free day to cleaning house, trust me, I get it. That’s why you should deep clean the house one weekend, and then assign days to rooms.

For example, I clean the kitchen everyday, but on Mondays, I clean the kitchen and the bathroom, and then on Tuesdays, I clean the kitchen and the living room, and so on.

After my weekend of deep cleaning, I still focus on deep cleaning a room every weekend. Since it is already clean from the week, it takes no time at all!

Meal Plan

Meal planning is essential to keeping healthy on a busy schedule. You don’t have to go all out, but you do need to put some thought into food for the week.

I make two salads for the week, and I make sure I have three heathy frozen meals to grab on the go. I also make a list of dinners for the week, so I will know what to put out in the morning to thaw.

Pamper, Pamper, Pamper

You have worked all week! Treat yourself!

Draw yourself a hot bath, throw on your fancy expensive mask and give yourself a at home blowout.

This is also so important in the reenergizing process. I feel like I am cleaning off the week during my pamper time, and it makes me feel more prepared for the week.

Exercise It Out

Take this free time to do a long sweaty workout. I like to spend an hour on the treadmill both on Saturday and Sunday, plus thirty minutes on weights.

During the week, I only have the energy/time to do 30 minute workouts. The weekend gives me the time to sweat out and release all the stress from the week. Yes, I am lazy and I don’t want to drag my butt to the gym. But I do it because I feel so GOOD after.


I know I said tidy up, but tidying and laundry can be quite different. I like to wash all of my clothes and iron the ones I know I might be wearing to work. Having many clothing choices in the morning makes everything so much easier.

You could always plan your outfits ahead of time, but I have never been able to successfully do this. Having everything ready makes it easy just to pick an outfit.


I hope this helps you out! Let me know what you do on the weekend to make the week easier!

Have a wonderful weekend (soon)!

Taylor XOXO


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  • Definitely going to be using these tips this weekend – anything to calm the chaos of the week!!

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