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How to Have a Health Spa Day at Home

How to Have a Health Spa Day at Home

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SallyStrong #CollectiveBias

Having a high-stress job can really get to you if you let it. That’s why I think it is so incredibly important to take a day out for yourself to focus on your health. My favorite way to do this is why I love to have a health spa day at my own home – so it’s healthy for my wallet as well.

Everything you chose for a health spa day needs to have a healthy angle. I always think of it as a time to nourish all my beauty health – especially the places you don’t think of often, like your nails.

Here’s how to have your own Health Spa Day:

1. Run the bath water with bubbles and some lavender or peppermint essential oil. Lavender is great for relaxing, and peppermint is great for soothing aches. It’s always great to add some epsom salts to help with additional aches and pains. BONUS TIP: Look for Sinus Relief bath salts and add to a steaming bath to help with headaches.

2. Next, time to work on your face! I start with an at home facial with my Clarisonic. Everyone has different skin needs, so adjust this to your skin issues. Mine is dry, dull skin, so I used a brightening sheet mask.

(Don’t we all look so attractive in a sheet mask, see below)


3. I also have very dry feet – especially during the summer time. During the summer, I have to take very good care of my feet and finger/toenails. I start by using a moisturizing foot mask. If you do not want to buy one, you can just put a lot of vaseline on your feet, wrap them in a plastic bag and wait 25 minutes.

Once you are done, put your feet under running water and get them clean and dry.


4. After moisturizing your feet, it’s time to work on your nails. Nail health is so important because the more you paint your nails and go get artificial nails, the more your nail health will suffer.

I know I have had yellowing, hard, brittle nails in the past, but after a week of using Sally Hansen Complete Care 7-in-1 Nail Treatment weekly and the Sally Hansen Vitamin E Nail & Cuticle Oil every night, I have restored my nail health.

The Complete Care 7-in-1 Nail Treatment is a top coat and a base coat, so it’s nice to only have to lug around one product. The full seven uses are an all in one base coat, top coat, growth treatment, strengthener, ridge-filler, brightener, and ultra-moisturizing nail treatment. My favorite thing is no more ridges showing through my nail polish!

The Vitamin E Nail & Cuticle Oil needs to be wiped of the nail before adding a coat of polish. I use this nightly to reduce the build up of dry skin.



My favorite place to shop for nail supplies is in Target because their displays are just so tempting with all the lights, and the Sally Hansen section has a ton of options for all of your nail health issues.


5. Now it’s time to have a nice cup of green tea and let your polish dry! I add a little lemon and honey to mine to really bring out the flavor. Green tea has tons of health benefits, so it’s great for your insides!

How do you have a spa day at home?


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