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How to Clean the Brick Exterior on Your House

How to Clean the Brick Exterior on Your House

How to Clean the Brick Exterior on Your House

The cheapest and easiest way to freshen up your backyard is to clean your brick exterior! This project will cost you less than $10.

Cleaning the brick exterior of your house doesn’t have to be a daunting task. In fact, with the right tools and techniques, it can be done in a day! One cleaning solution that works well for bricks is OxyClean.

This was the condition of my brick before the cleaning:

How to Clean the Brick Exterior on Your House

This is what this section looked after I cleaned it:

How to Clean the Brick Exterior on Your House

For this project, all you need is OxyClean, water, and a deck scrub brush. This will instantly brighten your space, and it took me about one hour to completely clean the brick in my backyard. My favorite thing about projects like these is I can go work on it for an hour and then take a break, so I am not burnt out of cleaning halfway through my project.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Gather Your Tools: You’ll need a garden hose, a bucket, a stiff-bristled scrub brush, and Oxy Clean.
  2. Prep the Area: Cover any plants or landscaping near the brick with plastic or a drop cloth to protect them from the cleaning solution. Also, make sure to wear gloves and eye protection to keep yourself safe.
  3. Wet the Brick: Use a garden hose to wet the brick thoroughly before you begin cleaning. This will help loosen any dirt or debris and make it easier to remove.
  4. Mix the Solution: Mix OxyClean according to the manufacturer’s instructions. For most applications, you’ll need to mix 1 scoop of OxyClean with 1 gallon of water.
  5. Apply the Solution: Pour the solution onto the brick and use a stiff-bristled scrub brush to scrub the brick in a circular motion. Focus on any areas that are particularly dirty or stained.
  6. Rinse the Brick: Use a garden hose to rinse the brick thoroughly. Make sure to rinse all of the cleaning solutions off of the brick.
  7. Repeat if Necessary: If the brick is still dirty after the first round of cleaning, repeat the process until it’s clean.
  8. Let the Brick Dry: Allow the brick to dry completely before applying any sealant or paint.
How to Clean the Brick Exterior on Your House

You can see the difference in this one spot that I tested:

How to Clean the Brick Exterior on Your House

Maintaining your brick exterior is also important to ensure its longevity and appearance. A quick rinse with a garden hose every few months can help prevent dirt and grime from building up. By following these simple steps and using Oxy Clean, you can easily clean your brick exterior and restore its original beauty in no time.

How to Clean the Brick Exterior on Your House
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