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10 things you need to buy to organize your kitchen while social distancing

10 things you need to buy to organize your kitchen while social distancing

One thing I know will happen after all of this social distancing is everyone is going to want to show off their home projects – and a big one is trying to organize your kitchen.

Every time I turn around, someone is posting something they have done to their yard or a wall they have painted. And in my case, I am organizing everything – mainly my kitchen.

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So far, I have organized my spice rack, and I have been researching other ways to make my home more manageable. I have a galley kitchen with really small cabinets, and it is hard to organize all of my things.

While searching on Amazon, I found so many thing to solve my organization problems. Like, who would have thought there is an organizer JUST FOR WATER BOTTLES!

I was so impressed, and I have made a wishlist for my kitchen.

If you are also trying to organize your kitchen while you are stuck at home, check out these awesome kitchen organizers:

XATOS Fridge Cabinet Pulls

I have been wanting to organize my kitchen for a while now, but I am at a loss on how to do it. I don’t typically buy the same things all the time, and I really just need more efficient storage.

That’s when I saw these things, I was like yes. This is what I need. They also come in such cute pastel colors!

10 things you need to buy to organize your kitchen while social distancing

Mug or Utensil Hook

This thing is so cool because it literally hooks onto your cabinet – no installation required! I love this because I have so many mugs, and this allows extra storage.

10 things you need to buy to organize your kitchen while social distancing

Spice Jars

I finally bought some spice jars and reorganized all my spices. I love looking up at them and seeing the organization.

It definitely make me feel fancier than I actually am.

10 things you need to buy to organize your kitchen while social distancing

Wrap Organizer

If you are like me, you have been cooking at home. I grill so much during the summer, even when social distancing is not a thing.

I like to keep saran wrap, wax paper and foil on me at all times for when the reason arises, and this organizer helps me keep them all in place!

10 things you need to buy to organize your kitchen while social distancing

Narrow Kitchen Cart

There is probably a narrow space somewhere in your kitchen that can easily be turned into storage.

With this cart, you can store your dry goods, drinks or pretty much anything you want!

10 things you need to buy to organize your kitchen while social distancing

Water Bottle Organizer

I have so many water bottles – it’s borderline ridiculous. But, it is not just my fault! Every time I do anything I am handed a water bottle with a logo on it.

I have gotten rid of a lot of my water bottles, but I kept my favorites and plan on organizing them with this.

10 things you need to buy to organize your kitchen while social distancing

Basket Organizer

I love this for organizing sponges and cleaning supplies or for produce, like potatoes and onions.

This is very versatile, and it’s great for under the sink storage!

10 things you need to buy to organize your kitchen while social distancing

Plastic Bag Holder

Although I am a strong believer in the one bag with a lot of bags in it storage solutions, this one is a little more aesthetically pleasing.

I also like that you can hang it on a cabinet and just easily pull things out.

10 things you need to buy to organize your kitchen while social distancing

Fridge Bins

This is a great time to get your fridge in tip-top shape. You probably have a lot in your fridge and organization would make you very happy.

I look at what I buy frequently, and how I would like to put everything before I purchase bins of different sizes.

10 things you need to buy to organize your kitchen while social distancing

Can Organizer

To be honest, I have never been a big can person. However, this pandemic has changed me, and I think it’s good to have a few cans at home at all times.

I am not a doomsday-prepper, but a few cans of beans and tuna is a smart decision.

This organizer makes it easy to grab everything and see what you have.

10 things you need to buy to organize your kitchen while social distancing
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