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Mediterranean Monday: Chicken Chili

Mediterranean Monday: Chicken Chili

chicken chili

Today’s Mediterranean Monday is my personal favorite, chicken chili!


With the Mediterranean lifestyle, it is important to cut out most of the red meat you eat. This is extremely hard for me during the cold months because my absolute favorite winter food is chili.

When I lived in Texas near my family, my dad and brothers would always give me ground venison to use for my chili. They are hunters, so I really enjoyed this because I knew it was organic because they hunted for it (and they gave it to me, so it was free).

Also, my favorite meat is venison, which is surprisingly lean. It is actually even leaner than chicken!

But back to my current situation where I am in Alabama, 10 hours away from my favorite meat source, and it’s not like I am going to go hunting -LOL!

So this left me looking for an alternative. I tried to make a Turkey chili, but it just wasn’t the taste I wanted. I have made bean chilis in the past, and although they were delicious, they still didn’t mirror the taste I was trying to achieve.

I tried looking up alternative recipes for chili on Pinterest, but I only saw turkey and venison chilis. The only chicken chili recipe I could find was for a white chili with shredded chicken.

I am sure the white chili is tasty, but again, not what I was going for.

While I was at the market, I found my solution in ground chicken.

This chili is so tasty, and an perfect mirror to beef chili! This will probably be my staple meal until March, if we are being honest.

You can top your chili with your favorite toppings, but since toppings are where the bad fats and sugars usually come in, I kept it simple with some feta and a few crackers.

I always crumble crackers in my chili, comment if you do too so I will feel less weird, haha.

chicken chili

chicken chili

If you found this interesting, be sure to check out last week’s Mediterranean Monday.

I hope you enjoy, and if you make this recipe, be sure to tag me in a picture! @repressingthecrazy for Instagram and @repressingtay for Twitter!

Have a beautiful day!



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