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Christmas Traditions you should start now!

Christmas Traditions you should start now!

Christmas Traditions you should start now

The reason I love the holidays is because of all the Christmas traditions that come with them! As a kid, it was the traditions that I looked forward to.

Now that I have a little household of three (my sisters), I am trying to continue our family traditions at home. If you are looking to start traditions of your own, here is a good list to start.

Pajamas on Christmas Eve

Growing up, we all got to open one present under the tree on Christmas Eve – and every year, it was pajamas. My parents got us all pajamas so that we would have new matching pajamas in all of our Christmas morning photos.

Christmas Traditions you should start now

Every time we look through photos or videos, you can always see us in our pajamas.

Lately, I have even seen people open Christmas Eve kits with pajamas, a movie, and popcorn – if you really want to go all out.

Hiding the Pickle in the Tree

At my grandma’s house, we would always eat, open up all of our presents and then go on the pickle hunt.

The pickle was a family tradition that always got a little rowdy. My grandmother would make us all leave the room and hide the pickle in the tree. We would all then race into the living room and practically destroy the tree looking for the pickle.

First one to find the pickle won the special pickle prize. We had two pickle hunts, one for kids and one for adults. Being the family of 7, we always had the unfair advantage and brought most of the pickle gift home.

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Still, it’s a really fun tradition to start (just don’t be too attached to your Christmas decorations).

Advent Calendars

I never got advent calendars until I got older, but now I love them (check out this DIY one)! The one we had growing up was full of ornaments that we would put on the tree each day.

As an adult, I have been buying myself a chocolate advent calendar every year – but there are so many more things to choose from! One year, I bought 25 envelopes and stuffed them with little gifts to give my sisters each day.

You can also buy gift advent calendars that are catered to people’s hobbies. There are stationary, beauty, food, whiskey and all sorts of other types of advent calendars.

Making Christmas Candies

My nana and papa always make a plethora of Christmas candy during the holidays. They make fudge, homemade turtles, hard candy, puppy show, “Bowman Candy”, peanut patties and so much more.


We would always go over to help make the candy – and eat it too! We would make enough to eat on the candy all month long (side note: this is probably why I was a chubby kiddo).

Putting out Food for the Reindeer

Honestly, I have been a huge fan of Santa. I am not really a people person. However, I am a huge animal person.

Every year for Christmas, I would ask for one reindeer. I would beg him for just a plain reindeer – it didn’t need to be anyone from the song.

Christmas Traditions you should start now

As you can imagine, I never got my reindeer – but I did make reindeer food every year. Just put together bird seed and cheerios and sprinkle it around the yard on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Light Viewing

My sister and I loved looking at Christmas lights during the holiday season!

Christmas Traditions you should start now

We would all pile into our car and drive around town (usually the fancy neighborhoods), and check out all the pretty lights.

It was always super fun – and free (unless you go to a big event).

What are your favorite holiday traditions?

repressing the crazy

Christmas Traditions you should start now

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